Always follow your nose! Small aroma stick with a big effect.

How scents can safely achieve therapeutic effects.

People say that nature is the best medicine. A sensational scientific review has now shown that this wisdom is particularly true for essential oils. An article published in the renowned journal <<Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental>> shows how powerful specially formulated scents can be, but at the same time dispels some common misconceptions. The extremely complex human sense of smell can be used to bring about amazing physical changes. For example, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen and even stress hormones can be improved with just a few breaths, or concentration and pain tolerance can be optimized within a very short time. But only if a few crucial things are taken into account.

In several meticulously conducted studies with almost 500 participants, the authors found that aromatherapy causes physical reactions in particular when the scent molecules (a) are of high quality and (b) reach the olfactory nerves of the nose in high concentrations. The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of aromatherapy procedures has so far been rather ambiguous, partly because most aromatherapy procedures introduce scents into the nose via the room air. Under such conditions, however, they only create a feel-good atmosphere at best. The authors, however, present a relatively simple but very effective alternative that makes full use of the capabilities of the sense of smell: Using a lipstick-sized scent stick (Aromastick scent stick) in which a reservoir of a specific mixture of essential oils is inserted, a highly saturated scent mixture is inhaled with each breath, which directly changes various physiological control circuits. Because the scent stick can be used quickly and as needed anywhere, it is attractive for many areas of life and situations, e.g. in stressful situations at work or in sporting competitions.

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